BL 3 Spieltag

Meier, Good job!
SGE won the game of 3.Spieltag 1-0 and placed 4th so far! Yaeh!

The data of this game is as follows;

Mahdavikia, Russ, Vasoski, Spycher
Fink, Inamoto,
Streit (87. Chaftar), Köhler (76. Weissenberger), Meier
Amanatidis (67. Thurk)

Goal Getter(s);
1:0 Meier (3.)

Ealuations by Kicker
Pröll (2,5)
Mahdavikia (3,5), Russ (3,5), Vasoski (3), Spycher (4)
Inamoto (3), M. Fink (3)
A. Streit (2,5), A. Meier (2,5), Köhler (4)
Amanatidis (4)

MoM = Meier
*Congrats, Meier!

Evaluations by Frankfurter Rundschau
Ganz okay

Marco Russ:
Leistete sich die eine oder andere Unachtsamkeit. Beschwor in der ersten Halbzeit die einzige brenzlige Situation vor dem eigenen Tor herauf, als er nicht entschlossen zum Ball ging. Zum Glück folgenlos.

Speaking about the game, Meier got a goal at only three minutes! Super!
At the moment of Meier's goal, Marco was...

Which way were you looking at..?
Meier was on the opposite side...^^:

I know many people expected Marco did much more outstanding, but Marco did his job modestly this time.

"I just

plodded along

at my work."

So, I'm not sure because I watched the game with the streaming which was stopping every 10 seconds, but.... I thought the final whistle was blown just before Marco was going to take a free kick... Was it an illusion?

BTW, Huggel came to Commerzbank Arena. I found this photo.

I realized it again that Albert, in fact, has a friendly character.


Good for Ina,
Ina seems to be incorporated as a teammate so far.

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