Test Match against TUS Koblenz

Hey, what's today?

Today SGE had the test match against TUS Koblenz. SGE won this game 3-1.
The data of the test match are as follows;

Preuß, Galindo, Russ, Spycher
Fink, Inamoto
Mahdavikia, Meier, Streit

Goal Getters;
1:0 Meier (17.)
1:1 Vata (41.)
2:1 Streit (57.)
3:1 Ljubicic (90.)

What Marco did was here;

--- What I did today ---------

I didn't go to Koblenz because I still felt a bit tired.

I went to a restaurant in my hotel for my breakfast. There was a chef who cooked us any kind of egg dishes in a buffet. I asked him to make scramble eggs for me. He brought a dish to my table and I said Danke to him.

I found my dish was decorated with Schnittlauch (but I didn't know the name of this at this moment). Actually I don't like onion, leek and such kinds of food.

I thought only onion was in Germany. Before my previous trip to Germany, I got these German sentences from a German native speaker for my survival;

Sind in dem Gericht Zwiebeln?
Könnten Sie das Gericht auch ohne Zwiebeln zubereiten?

I sometimes forgot them, especially the second sentence, and I used English to say the same things. It's lucky for me (for foreign person) most of German people speak English.
But I'd like to use German language as well as I can.

I asked a waitress what you called this green small things and she told me,
"Schnittlauch :)"
"Schni... Schnitt..?"
"Schnitt-lauch. I'll write you the spell. :) "
"Thank you. ^^; "
She is so nice and beautiful*

After I got a new German word, I went to a book store which is near Hauptwache.

Is this Stefan's office? or just a signboard? I wonder.

A concierge told me it was a big book store around there. I looked for books about Fussball in the book store, but I couldn't find many Fussball books there. Then, I was going to get some newspapers and Kicker at the kiosk in front of the book store. Of course I got Frankfurter Rundschau!

When I stood in front of the rack and was seeking Kicker, a shop clerk asked me what I would like to get.
"I'm looking for Kicker and newspapers for Fussball news."
"Oh, they are ...there."
He kindly came to me and showed me where they were.
I found another sports-like newspaper on the right hand. I stared at it for a while but I wasn't sure if it had any Fussball contents or not. I turned left for the shop clerk, and he said immediately,
" Just horse! :) "
....Thank you for reading my mind. :)

Then I dropped by a supermarket "Kaufhof".

Whenever I came to Germany, I always thought that baskets of a supermarket in Germany are so cool!

It started raining. I ran in a cafe not to get soaked.

...But German people seemed to be fine without umbrellas. I think They fundamentally have perfect vitality than Asian people. Now I know why westerners are strong in Fussball world!

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