This Morning I was Back and Now I'm in My Office

Why am I now in my office, eh...?!

I came back to my country this morning and got to my office directly from Narita airport...orz
I got an email from my co-worker about a system trouble during my staying in Germany. Gee.


I had really enjoyed myself in Germany! ...except I couldn't see Stefan at the fan festival...Neiiin.

I haven't been on the internet since I sent some piece of messages to Stefan at Blog-G, so I couldn't know some Blog-G members concerned me. Sorry and Danke!

Blog-G post on 29 July;

48. Albert C. am Sonntag, 29.07.07 um 20:42 Uhr
@ Elly
Elly, sorry, but next time Stefan wants to date me, he promised to come to Berlin. I am just looking for a sponsor for a cheap flight to Berlin…Any idea, Elly?
OH!! Albert C and Stefan came to Berlin?! I was there, too! Heeeey, we seemed to cross and miss among us again...?! I wanted to say hi to you two. If you saw an East Asian woman at the stand, it must be me, hehe. I didn't see any other Asian people there... oh no, I saw a woman who is probably from Southeast Asia. I had been sitting on a balustrade in the SGE fan area during the game.

Anyway, I'm going to blog some experiences I've got in Germany as soon as I can.

I'd like to say thanks to Stefan, Blog-G members, SGE players and all the kindly people I've met in Germany!

Ciao! :)


Anonymous said...

Wellcome back, Elly.

Hope you had a nice trip. By the way: I never planed to go to Berlin. It was a joke by Albert C.


elly said...

Oops, just joking by Albert C!
I just red some English sentences on your blog quickly so I think I misunderstood. hihi. ;P
Ya! I had a great trip in your country! Danke! :D


Anonymous said...

Dear Elly, I want to say sorry for my bad joke! I did not want to confuse you! Due to the fact that you have been made a date with Stefan - even though it was not successful - I was a bit jealous that he would never date me ;-) So I just hoped that he would date me one day in Berlin, in order to see our well organized Eintracht Frankfurt defense around Russ and others for instance but he said, that he is very busy and out of money and cannot come and etc.pp. These are typical excuses, I guess!!! ;-) But I hope, one day, maybe soon, we will meet all together!!!
Albert C

elly said...

Hi Albert C, welcome here!

Oh, you don't need to say sorry. :) You're a nice joker, Albert C! ;)
I know I was a hasty person to jump the gun, I didn't read whole comments of Stefan's blog... hihi.
I haven't thought your joke was bad, and I haven't also been confused by it. Just what I thought is that I wish I could say hi to you if you had been at the stadium in Berlin. :)

I'm sure I will come to am Main again in the foreseeable future, so I would be really glad if we all could meet and have a friendly-gathering then! :D
First of all, I have to work harder to save up for my next trip to Frankfurt. hehe. ^^;

Anyway, It was so kind of you to leave me your message here, Danke Albert C!

Lots of hugs*