Preview of 11.Spieltag

OH! Surprising (but amazing for me) !

Marco Russ is listed as a starting member again...! Yeah!
DDDDDanke, Herr Funkel!
EINTRACHT: Friedhelm Funkels mögliche Startelf:
Pröll – Ochs, Russ, Kyrgiakos, Spycher – Fink, Inamoto – Streit, Meier, Amanatidis – Takahara.

Gelb-Sperre droht: Kyrgiakos (4)


Marco, it's time you'll do it!!!

And.........Soto, I'd tell you, "Never get a card on Friday!" We need you at 12.Spieltag, Soto!

So, can I say one tiny complaint here?
NIPPON: Schon die ganze Woche dreht ein Team des japanischen Pay-TV-Senders J-Sports bei der Eintracht. Die Fernsehmacher portraitieren Naohiro Takahara und werden am Samstagfrüh nach dem Hannover-Spiel Mitspieler und Trainer zu ihrem Superstar befragen. Kurios: Aus rechtlichen Gründen darf J-Sports nicht mit Junichi Inamoto sprechen, der keinen Vertrag mit J-Sports hat.


I wrote before that J-SORTS abandoned Japanese fans of Bundesliga, and also fans of Taka and Ina. They didn't continue to broadcast the Bundesliga games and selected to buy 5 games per week of UK premier league for the next three years instead of Bundesliga. We think J-SPORTS is a kind of traitor.
So, many of JP fans have a question why J-SPORTS can do such a thing after they announced they will never provide us a Bundesliga's TV program...?! We are uncomfortable about it..... but we're sure we'll watch this TV program. hahaha....^^:

But I can easily imagine that all of Ina fans in Japan will get angry because of a strange contract between Ina and J-SPORTS.

In my opinion, I'd say the agent of Ina is stingy. For instance, the official website of Ina demands to pay 6,000 yen a year if you would like to read all the contents including Ina's messages. On the other hand, Taka's official websites in German and Japanese are free to read.

Well, I don't care about Ina's website because I'm not about to register. But I'd really like to say to J-SPORTS like this, "Shame on you!"

....Maybe Stefan will kindly say it to J-SPORTS at the press booth for me. hihi. (I'm joking)

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