Funkel's Interview

There is an football magazine "Weekly Soccer Digest" in Japan. The latest one is published on 12 September.
I found the 3-pages interview with Funkel in this magazine.

The web page of this magazine is here.

The table of contents is like this.

The interviewer is a German person, but Funkel and he mainly talked about Taka and Ina. I'll translate some interesting sentences from Funkel's answers.

"When the first time I watched Ina playing at a Galatasaray's game , I thought such nice player would never be interested in SGE."

"Ina fitted in with the team very soon. Even though Taka wasn't there and Ina wasn't able to speak German, but Ina showed up alone stately at the training pitch and had conversations smilingly with teammates. Ina made communications with his new buddies already."

"Ina's play brought out the higher performance of all players, especially of Fink."

"Taka was so much shy and retired even though he could speak German. But Taka has become cheerful and has been able to joke after his first goal in SGE. It was a dramatic change of Taka."

"Ama and Taka aren't in their top condition right now, but I think they will probably be the two-top when they will recover their health."

"We get Mehdi and Ina with no transfer fee. We think we did a good deal, but some fans said we were not anbitious."

"My object of this season is we will earn 45 points."

These are the same as Funkel said in Germany? I guess so. :)

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