Test Match against Germania Ober-Roden

Eintrchat Frankfurt won the test game against Ober-Rodes 6-0! This game was held on 17, and it was the first game for Inamoto to play full time.

A SGE rookie from Japan was working hard for SGE.

SGE fans were also working hard for SGE.

The data of this match is as follows;

Players were here;
Ochs (42. Preuß), Kyrgiakos, Vasoski, Spycher (46. Chaftar)
Streit (58. Fink), Inamoto, Meier, Toski (58. Hess)
Amanatidis (46. Galm), Thurk.

...Neiiiin! No Russ.... orz
However SGE buddies got a lot of goals, '6'. sechs (DE), six (EN), roku (JP) ! Good for them!

Pointgetters were here;
1:0 Amanatidis (22.)
2:0 Thurk (26.)
3:0 Meier (33.)
4:0 Thurk (35.)
5:0 Meier (48.)
6:0 Fink (90.)

Oh, two 'Doppelpack' by Thurk and Meier. Congrats, you two! :)

At the moment players on the pitch did a great job, Marco Russ was....

...running up to his colleagues with his smile exploding as like as a puppy ***

Oh, I'm going to show an yellow card to his cuteness!! ^^;

Well, I think it shows us Marco has a nice personality. :)

But you know, a real puppy was running up to a player at this game. It's funny! :D

Ina attempted a 25-meters-shot. Then Ina seemed to be accepted by German fans. Goooood.

So, I mentioned before that this news was reported in Japan. But, I found one more amazing thing about this news. The news about this test match was also published on "i-Channel" news in Japan!

i-Channel is a kind of a push-typed news headlines service for NTT DoCoMo's mobile phone. NTT DoCoMo is the biggest mobile phone career in Japan. Then, DoCoMo users unconsciously receive some headlines of society and sports news as like as a live ticker. If a user want to know the list of topics, click it and get a headlines list. If a user also want to know the details of a headline, click and get a digest of a headline.
#Further info of i-Channel is here.

I'm a DoCoMo user and I got a headline about SGE and Ina at 13:57 on 18 July (Japanese Standard Time).
This is my phone received the headlines list. (sorry non-clear photos)

...and the news contents we can read after clicking the headline title.

Other Japanese mobile phone careers have similar services and the news sources are almost the same. It means, it was a good presentation on SGE to many Japanese, including people who aren't interested in Fussball well. Wow!!

マルコ・ルスちんのカワイさ犯罪級!んで、イナもファンにウケてるみたいだし、日本じゃ i-チャネルにも出ちゃうし、ステキなテストマッチだったさ!マルコが出番ナシだったのを除けば...(笑

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