BL 17 Spieltag

It was the last game before the winter break!

Ja, it was the last game before the winter break! ...But Marco Russ was absent. (:_:)

But SGE won this game so we can spend Christmas and New year day with smile. (^-^)
Godd job, SGE Buddies! d(-_^)

This is also the 100th victory for Funkel. Congrats, Herr Funkel! ...If you'd like to get more victory games, it sould be better to use Marco every time, bitte. ^v^

# Members List;
Ochs, Galindo, Kyrgiakos, Spycher
Mahdavikia (86. Inamoto), Fink, Köhler, Toski (64. Weissenberger)

# Absence;
Vasoski (Sehnenabriss), Preuß, Streit (beide Meniskus-OP),
Heller (Rückenprobleme), Meier (Sehnenreizung im Knie),
Russ (Muskelfaserriss im linken Oberschenkel).

# Goal Getters;
0:1 Amanatidis (40.)

Marco, have a good rest and make your muscle heal up during the Christmas holiday, Bitte.

I'm going to have a look at this game.

Soon after the biginning of the game, Ama got hurt on his leg (ancle?). I thought it was a big trouble for SGE if Ama couldn't keep playing, but Ama was ok. Phew. ^^

But, an hurt acsident didin't end to occur...
At 55th mins, Fernando Santos from Duisburg broke his cheekbone and blacked out...! OMG! (@o@;)

Uhhh... it must hurts...
I hope he will get well soon. I hope all plyers can play in good health.

Oh, I have to say, SGE led the game by Ama's goal at 40th mins!

Congrats, Ama!
Both Soto and Ailton also celebrated your goal with their dance. [fiction]

A Japanese player was able to play after a long time to being a bench warmer. Work hard for SGE, Ina!

...Ina, Did you know Michael Lamey from Duisburg wasn't a chair?

Anyway, SGE held on and kept the score 0-1. SGE won the last game before the winter break and gave Funkel his 100th victory! (And more, it had been a long time since the last time SGE won a game...^^;)

A kind of love of master and pupil.

Congrats, SGE buddies! Wooo! with Christmas color edition*

I wish you guys a great Christmas and a new year!
We can also have a nice Christmas and a new year thanks to you guys. :)

I was moved by Klasnic's Doppelpack. I was watching the game of Werder vs Leverkusen via P2P Live in tears.

Congrats, Ivan...!

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