2 days ago
Marco and Co. took a Laktattest, and it was carried out with no audience.
I'm not sure the details of this test, but I've heard that lots of football players say they don't like it. Is it so hard and boring?!
What is the evaluation of Marco?
Oh, WISH I could change off with this lady... <- me idiot!
Labels: Marco Russ
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Hi Elly,
nice blog! Greetings from Frankfurt.
hi elly,
your blog haa been linked on www.blog-g.de (blog and discussions about eintracht frankfurt, but unfortunatly everything in german ^^)
really nice blog.
greetings from germany an keep on going!
sincerely yours
onkel moe
Hallo Stefan,
Danke for your comment!
I often visit your blog-g.de and struggle to read these articles, hehe.
I think I usually understood these German articles about 70% by using some translation tools. ^-^
Your blog is fantastic and of course I've always enjoyed it!
Danke again from Tokio, Tschuess!
Hallo onkel moe,
Danke for your visit!
Oh, I didn't know my blog has been linked...! Wow, what a great honor! ^o^
I wish I could be fluent in German language and could be join the discussion at blog-g.
But I'm happy you and some German people visited here, because I can feel SGE has international appeal!
I would be glad if we would support SGE together with breaking the language and distance barriers. ^^
I look forward to seeing you again here. Tschuess!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
"...and struggle to read these articles..."
So do I, Elly. Especially my own. ;)
Hallo Stefan,
Oh, you do?! :)
# I'm happy with a chat like this. ^^
Catch you later,
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